Sarah Wilson

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I'm shooting for the moon this June

📣 Help me shoot for the moon this June, and support the 500 people across Aotearoa who find out that they have cancer, every week. 

I will never forget the moment I found out my dad had cancer. My heart dropped. The scary C word that exists all around us and yet you never think it will be you and yours. My family are so blessed to still have him in our lives. He fought so bravely and came out the other side, safe and healthy. We’re even more blessed to still have my beautiful nan, who is kicking cancer’s ass for the second time! Many are not so lucky, and my heart goes out to all those who lost someone special to cancer. It is a terrible experience and the absolute least I can do is walk away from a netball court with tired arms.

I'm aiming to shoot 384 goals in the first week of June over four consecutive days (100 goals per day). 

This is to raise funds to help support people with cancer across the Canterbury-West Coast region.

I look forward to your support. If you cannot donate, please send some bags of ice my way! And hug your friends and family 🥰

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my sponsors.


Sarah Wilson